Custom Painted Bottles & Watercolor Art

Personalized Hand Painted Champagne Bottles

Timeless custom art and gifts.


Watercolor Art Prints

Unique Artisan Gifts for Every Occasion

When it comes to finding the perfect gift, nothing on the shelf quite does the trick like our custom Hand Painted Champagne Bottles and beautiful watercolor paintings.

These art pieces make beautiful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, bridesmaid gifts, engagement parties, bridal showers, and celebrations of all sorts! These bottles are painted completely custom for you or your recipient and can include a monogram, important dates and custom designs depending on the level you choose. Our professional painter can even craft a bottle based on a photograph you provide, such as your favorite landscape, wedding venue or pet portrait so the sky is the limit with what we can do to create a beautiful gift you or a loved one will cherish.

We also specialize in one-of-a kind, original watercolor paintings made with high-quality, professional grade watercolor paints on high-grade cold-pressed watercolor paper with deckle-edges for an organic look. All of our original watercolor paintings are inspired by nature, whether it be ocean life, plants or beautiful landscapes.

BKGallerys also offers print reproductions of our work on flat paper as well as on canvas.

    “ This bottle was amazing. The venue painted on the back was exactly like the venue and the added painting of their dog made this priceless. This bottle will be cherished and Brenda was the best to work with. Amazing Job!!!!!”

    Debra, 5 star review of a custom painted bottle

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